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CBSA service standards
Fiscal year 2020 to 2021
Border Information Services (BIS)
Service description: The BIS is a single window contact centre that offers automated, bilingual, 24-hour, 1-800 telephone service, both for the travellers and commercial streams, by providing information on current programs and services offered by the CBSA. It also offers the option to speak with a BIS agent by pressing "0" during regular business hours – 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday local time (excluding holidays).
Note: In order to meet the increased call volume due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, as of , the operational hours to speak to an agent are from 07:00 to 20:00 ET on weekdays and 10:00 to 18:00 ET on weekends and federal statutory holidays.
For more information, please see the Border Information Service page on our Web site.
Service standard – Speak with a BIS agent: BIS agents will aim to answer calls within 5 minutes (300 seconds) from the moment the client presses “0” to speak to an agent.
Performance target: 75%
Performance result: The BIS agents answered 735,645 calls and met the service standard 46.6% of the time.
Traveller service standards
Border Wait Times – Highway Traveller Primary Processing
Service description: The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) processes the entry into Canada of all travellers via the primary inspection line at its highway-based ports of entry. All travellers entering Canada are required by law to report to the CBSA for this primary processing, provide all relevant information and documents as required, report all goods, and answer truthfully any questions asked by a Border Services Officer.
Upon completion of primary processing, travellers will either be released to continue their travel or referred for Secondary Processing, should additional evaluation be required. For more information, please see Border Wait Times.
Service standard: Border Wait Times – Highway Traveller: The estimated wait times for travellers reaching the primary inspection booth, the first point of contact with the CBSA when crossing the Canada/US land border.
September to June:
- 10 minutes on weekdays (Monday to Thursday)
- 20 minutes weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) and holidays
July to August:
- 20 minutes (7 days a week)
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA met the service standard 99.35% of the time.
Border Wait Times – NEXUS Highway Traveller Primary Processing
Service description: The multi-modal NEXUS program is a joint Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) initiative designed to expedite the border clearance process for low-risk, preapproved travellers into Canada and the U.S. The NEXUS program plays a significant role in streamlining and modernizing the Canada-U.S. border, while enhancing security by simplifying the clearance process for authorized members allowing the CBSA to concentrate on the inspection of unknown or high risk travellers. In the land mode, NEXUS members have the advantage of dedicated lanes allowing for expedited border crossing without being subject to full primary questioning.
Service standard: NEXUS Border Wait Time – Highway mode. For vehicles using dedicated NEXUS lanes at specified land border crossings, the CBSA will endeavour to maintain estimated wait times of no longer than:
- 5 minutes on weekdays (Monday to Thursday)
- 10 minutes on weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) and holidays, and in July and August
These wait times are applicable during the specified hours of operation of the Canadian NEXUS lanes at Fort Erie-Peace Bridge, Queenston-Lewiston Bridge, and Whirlpool Bridge in Ontario; and Abbotsford-Huntingdon, Aldergrove, Pacific Highway and Douglas-Peace Arch in British Columbia.
Wait times are measured from the start of the dedicated NEXUS lane (British Columbia) or the midpoint of the bridge (Ontario) until the vehicle reaches the primary inspection booth.
Note: This service standard only applies to vehicles where all occupants are NEXUS members.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA met the service standard 99.98% of the time.
Service feedback: The CBSA takes complaints very seriously and ensures complaints are handled in an efficient and professional manner. To send CBSA your comments, complaints, or compliments, please visit our Contact Us page.
Additional information: How are NEXUS border wait times measured?
The CBSA uses a variety of techniques to measure NEXUS border wait times:
- Whirlpool Bridge: Landmarks on the bridge are used to estimate the time it takes for a vehicle to travel from the midpoint of the bridge to the CBSA primary inspection booth.
- Douglas-Peace Arch, Pacific Highway, Aldergrove, and Abbotsford-Huntingdon: A series of electromagnetic induction loops embedded on the road are used to calculate the queue length and the CBSA processing rate which are then used to estimate the travel time a NEXUS vehicle takes from the start of the NEXUS lane to the CBSA primary inspection booth.
- Peace Bridge: Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) technology is used to measure the time a NEXUS vehicle travels from the 1st ALPR detection (located at the midpoint of the bridge) to the last downstream detection (located at the CBSA primary inspection booth).
- Queenston-Lewiston Bridge: Bluetooth devices are used to measure the time a NEXUS vehicle travels from the first upstream Bluetooth detection (located at the midpoint of the bridge) to the last downstream detection (located at the CBSA primary inspection booth). Note: NEXUS vehicles are tagged by the NEXUS detector (located at the CBSA primary inspection booth) the first time they use the NEXUS lane at the bridge. On their subsequent passages through the bridge, NEXUS vehicles are differentiated from other vehicles and their wait time measurement starts at the midpoint of the bridge.
CANPASS suite of programs application
Service description: To participate in one of the CANPASS Programs (CANPASS Private Aircraft/Corporate Aircraft), an applicant must submit a paper application, along with the requisite application fee, to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), which will process the application through one of its Canadian Processing Centres (Surrey, BC, Niagara Falls, ON and Montreal, QC).
The application processing involves a risk assessment of the applicants to determine whether they meet the requirements to participate in the program. For more information, please see the CANPASS section.
Service standard: Within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application, applicants are informed whether their application is approved.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: Not available. CANPASS will report performance results for fiscal year 2020 to 2021 once technical difficulties with the system have been resolved.
CDRP – Commercial Driver Registration Program: Application
Service description: To participate in the CDRP, an applicant must submit a paper application to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), which will process the application through its Canadian Processing Centre in Niagara Falls, ON.
The application processing involves a risk assessment of the applicants to determine whether they meet the requirements to participate in the program. For more information, please see the CDRP page.
Service standard: Within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application, applicants are informed of their success in reaching the interview stage.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA informed 205 applicants and met the service standard 100% of the time.
FAST – Free and Secure Trade: Program application
Service description: To participate in the FAST Program, an applicant must submit, along with the requisite application fee, an online application through the Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) System that is operated by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Only drivers need to submit an application form and fee. There is no FAST application form for carriers or importers. Canadian carriers and importers are automatically approved for FAST once they become approved members of the Customs Self Assessment (CSA) and Partner in Protection (PIP) programs.
The application processing involves a risk assessment of the applicants by both the US CBP and the CBSA to determine whether they meet the requirements to participate in the program, followed by an interview at an enrolment centre by a CBP/CBSA officer to finalize enrolment. For more information, please see the FAST page.
Service standard: Within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application, applicants are informed of their success in reaching the interview stage.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA informed 11,653 applicants and met the service standard 100% of the time.
NEXUS Program application
Service description: To participate in the NEXUS Program, an applicant must submit, along with the requisite application fee, an online application through the Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) System that is operated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
The application processing involves a risk assessment of the applicants by both the U.S. CBP and the CBSA to determine whether they meet the requirements to participate in the program, followed by an interview at an enrolment center conducted jointly by CBP and CBSA officers to finalize enrolment. For more information, please visit the CBSA NEXUS page.
Service standard: Within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application, applicants are informed of their eligibility in whether they have reached the interview stage.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA informed 148,869 applicants and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Casual refund
Service description: The Casual Refund Centre receives a request for a refund with required supporting documentation and processes it using the casual refund systems so that the client is issued a refund for duties and taxes paid on casual goods. For more information, please see the Casual Refund Centre (CRC).
Service standard: The CBSA will strive to process casual refunds within 30 business days of receipt of claims and all requisite supporting documentation.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 159,029 refunds and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Commercial and trade service standards
Advance Rulings and National Customs Rulings
Service description: Section 43.1 of the Customs Act allows members of the trading community to request a binding ruling from the CBSA on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Origin, Tariff Classification, or marking of goods imported from a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) country in advance of the importation of goods. The CBSA also issues National Customs Rulings (NCRs) for valuation purposes, for non-FTA origin goods and marking of goods imported from non-NAFTA countries.
These services provide the importing trade community with a measure of predictability and certainty as to how goods are to be accounted for with the CBSA. For more information, please see the Memorandum D11-11-1, National Customs Rulings (NCR) or Advance Rulings and Tariff Classification webpage.
Service standard: The CBSA will strive to issue Advance Rulings for tariff classification and origin (Free Trade Agreements) and National Customs Rulings for valuation, non-FTA origin and marking, no more than 120 calendar days from the date of receipt of complete information upon which a ruling may be based.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA issued 850 Advance Rulings and National Customs Rulings and met the service standard 88% of the time.
B2 commercial adjustments
Service description: Requests for commercial refunds are received, reviewed and processed in Customs Commercial System by select Trade Service Offices in the regions. If approved, a refund is granted to the client. For more information, please see Memorandum D6-2-3, Refund of Duties.
Service standard: The CBSA will strive to process B2 commercial adjustments within 90 calendar days of receipt of a claim and all requisite supporting documentation.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 163,856 B2 commercial adjustment requests and met the service standard 56% of the time.
Border Wait Time – Highway Commercial Primary Processing
Service description: The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) processes the reporting and clearing of commercial goods entering into Canada by highway via the primary inspection lines at its highway ports of entry. All commercial highway conveyances entering Canada are required by law to report to the CBSA for this primary processing. Drivers are required to provide all relevant information and documents, report all goods, and answer truthfully any questions asked by a Border Services Officer.
Upon completion of primary processing, the commercial goods will either be authorized to move inland or referred for secondary processing if additional evaluation is required. For more information, please see Border Wait Times.
Service standard: Border Wait Time – Commercial Conveyances – Highway: The estimated wait time for commercial conveyances reaching the primary inspection booth at a dedicated commercial lane, the first point of contact with the CBSA when crossing the Canada/US land border:
- 45 minutes (7 days a week)
Performance target: 90% on an annual basis.
Performance result: The CBSA met the service standard 99.37% of the time.
Note: the service standard results are an average measurement of wait times of commercial conveyances for the annual reporting period; in daily peak periods there may be wait times in excess of the standard.
Carrier code application
Service description: This service allows for application of a carrier code to establish identity and is required to conduct business with the CBSA. For more information, please see the Carrier Codes section of our Web site or e-mail us at carrier-cargo@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to issue a carrier code to those who meet carrier code eligibility requirements within 3 business days upon receipt of all required information and supporting documentation.
Performance target: 85%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 2,479 applications and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Coasting Trade Licence (CTL) application
Service description: Issuance of CBSA letters of determination in relation to CTL applications to obtain a licence for temporary admission to the coasting trade of Canada. For more information, please see the Application for Vessel Temporary Admission to the Coasting Trade of Canada.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to send a letter of determination to the applicant within 2 business days after receiving a decision from the Canadian Transportation Agency in respect of a CTL.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA sent 41 letters of authorization or denial and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Commercial release
Service description: Importers and customs brokers must obtain a release decision of commercial goods from the CBSA by presenting a properly completed accounting document or submitting an interim accounting Release on Minimum Documentation (RMD). This service facilitates the release of legitimate commercial goods through minimal intervention within established service standards. For more information, please visit CBSA's Release of your shipment.
Service standard: Post-arrival Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) RMDs will provide a release decision within 45 minutes.
Performance target: 70%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 285,641 requests and met the service standard 69% of the time.
Cultural Property Export Permits
Service description: The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has specific responsibilities to administer and enforce the Cultural Property Export and Import Act in collaboration with the Department of Canadian Heritage. For more information, please see the Memorandum D19-4-1, Export and Import of Cultural Property on our Web site or e-mail us at contact@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca.
Service standard 1: Issuance of Cultural Property Export Permits (Simplified). Cultural property export permits that do not require the assistance or review of an expert examiner when all documents are in order, will be issued within two business days of a request.
Performance target: The CBSA will aim to meet the service standard 95% of the time.
Performance result: The CBSA issued 62 simplified permits and met the service standard 81% of the time.
Service standard 2: Issuance of Cultural Property Export Permits (Expert Review). Cultural property export permits that require the assistance or review of an expert examiner will be issued within 20 business days of a request.
Performance target: The CBSA will aim to meet the service standard 75% of the time.
Performance result: The CBSA issued 94 expert reviewed permits and met the service standard 77% of the time.
Customs Bonded Warehouse Licence
Service description: The CBSA receives and processes Customs Bonded Warehouse applications that allow private sector operated facilities (regulated by the CBSA) to store imported goods with a complete deferral of customs, anti-dumping and countervailing duties and excise duties and taxes, including the goods and services tax (GST) and the harmonized sales tax. Importers only pay duties and taxes on the portion of goods entering the Canadian market. For more information, please see the Memorandum D7-4-4, Customs Bonded Warehouses.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to process Customs Bonded Warehouse Licence applications within 60 business days from the date of the receipt of the complete application.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 11 applications and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Customs Sufferance Warehouse Licence
Service description: An application to operate a customs sufferance warehouse is sent to the CBSA, which must ensure that the applicant meets the requirements as stated under the Customs Sufferance Warehouses Regulations. If all regulatory requirements are satisfied, the CBSA will issue a licence to operate a sufferance warehouse. For more information, please see the Memorandum D4-1-4, Customs Sufferance Warehouses.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to process customs sufferance warehouses licence applications within 60 business days from the date of the receipt of the complete application.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 35 applications and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Customs Brokers
Service standard 1: Customs Brokers Professional Examination
Service description: The CBSA administers the Customs Brokers Professional Examination annually. The CBSA must ensure that the Customs Brokers Professional Examinations are marked, recorded and mailed to candidates within four weeks from the date of the exam. For more information, please see the Memorandum D1-8-3, Canada Border Services Agency Customs Brokers Professional Examination.
Service standard: Results are mailed within four weeks (28 days) from date of exam.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The Customs Brokers Professional Examinations were postponed due to COVID.
Service standard 2: Customs brokers licensing
Service description: Applications for customs broker licences are sent to the CBSA, which must ensure that the applicant meets the requirements as stated under the Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations. If all regulatory requirements are satisfied, the CBSA will issue a customs brokers licence. For more information, please see the Memorandum D1-8-1, Licensing of Customs Brokers.
Service standard: Applications are processed within 3 months (90 days) of a complete application.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 13 applications and met the service standard 46.2% of the time.
Customs Special Services Fees
Service description: : If there is a need for clearance of commercial goods, and the service being provided is after hours or at a non-designated site, special services charges may apply. Section 167 of the Customs Act, primarily pertains to Special Services (i.e. goods). This section states:
(1) The Governor in Council may make regulations prescribing:
a) what services performed by officers at the request of a person in charge of imported goods or goods destined for exportation shall be considered to be special services;
b) the charges, if any, that are payable for special services by the person requesting them; and
c) the terms and conditions on which special services shall be performed, including the taking of such bonds or other security as may be prescribed.
(2) Anything that is required under this Act or the regulations to be done at a customs office, sufferance warehouse, bonded warehouse or duty free shop that is done at another place as a result of a special service shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act or the regulations, to have been done at a customs office, sufferance warehouse, bonded warehouse or duty free shop, as the case may be.
The cost to clear commercial goods is assessed according to the regulated rates found within Memorandum D1-2-1, Special Services.
For more information, please see the Memorandum D1-2-1, Special Services or e-mail us at contact@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca.
Service standard 1: Requests for special services are acknowledged within 1 working day of receipt.
Performance target: 100%
Performance result: The CBSA acknowledged 656 requests for special services and met the service standard 97.26% of the time.
Service standard 2: Upon completion of the service, a detailed invoice is provided, itemizing the special services completed and the associated fees for these services. This ensures transparency and consistency within the billing process.
Performance target: 100%
Performance result: The CBSA issued 656 detailed invoices and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Drawback claims
Service description: The CBSA receives and processes drawback claims, which is a refund of customs duties on imported goods that have been exported. Claimants can export goods in the same condition they were imported, or before export they can further manufacture or use them in a limited manner without affecting the refund amount. For more information, please see the Memorandum D7-4-2, Duty Drawback Program.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to process drawback claims no later than 90 calendar days from the date of receipt of the correctly completed and documented application.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 2,466 drawback claims and met the service standard 88% of the time.
Duties Relief Program
Service description: The CBSA receives and processes Duties Relief Program applications that enable qualified companies to import goods without paying duties, as long as they eventually export the goods.
Before export, companies can further manufacture or use the goods in a limited manner without having to pay duties. For more information, please see the Memorandum D7-4-1, Duties Relief Program.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to process applications no later than 90 calendar days from the date of receipt of a correctly completed and supported application.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 6 applications and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Duty Free Shop Licence application
Service description: An application to operate a duty free shop is sent to the CBSA and the CBSA must ensure that the applicant meets the requirements as stated under the Duty Free Shop Regulations.
If all regulatory requirements are satisfied, the CBSA will issue a licence to operate a duty free shop. For more information, please see the Memorandum D4-3-2, Duty Free Shop – Licensing.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to process an application for a new duty free shop licence within 90 calendar days of receipt of a correctly completed application. Only complete applications that meet all of the program requirements, as set out in the Duty Free Shop Regulations, and that include all required supporting documentation will be considered.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA processed no applications for a Duty Free Shop Licence.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) – Application and testing process
Service description: This service provides businesses with the ability and authorization to electronically exchange commercial information with the CBSA's host system using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), either through the Customs Internet Gateway (CIG) or a Direct Connect (MQ Messaging). For those clients who do not wish to transmit electronic commerce data directly to the CBSA, there exist many third party service providers who currently transmit data to the CBSA on behalf of trade chain partners. Businesses and their service providers who choose to use one of the EDI options to transmit electronic commerce data must apply to the CBSA.
For more information on the process, please consult the Become an Electronic Data Interchange client section of our Website.
You may also contact us at:
Technical Commercial Client Unit
355 North River Road, 6th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0L8
E-mail: mailto:tccu-ustcc@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca
Fax: 343-291-5482
Web: Electronic Data Interchange / Portal Clients
Service standard 1 – Application acknowledgement: Upon receipt of a complete and accurate EDI application from the client by fax or email, the CBSA will aim to acknowledge receipt of the application within 2 business days.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 4,678 applications and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Service standard 2 – Review of application: The CBSA will aim to review the EDI application and communicate to the client within 10 business days the necessary course of action to be followed in the ensuing testing process.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA conducted 3,858 reviews and met the service standard 98.6% of the time.
Service standard 3 – Initial Test: The initial test ensures that all technical communication components are interfaced correctly, allowing data to be processed and results returned. Upon transmission of the first test by the client to the CBSA, the CBSA will inform the client of the result within 5 business days.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 27 testing clients and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Service standard 4 – Final test: Upon transmission of the final test of each test package by the client to the CBSA, having a Pass result leading to the successful completion of the test package, the CBSA will aim to send a notification to the client within 5 business days advising the client that permission has been given to electronically exchange commercial information with the CBSA's host system using EDI.
The number of tests required varies on the client's requests and reporting requirements. The above testing service standards are contingent on all technical communication components being interfaced correctly and that no extenuating factors inhibit either the client or the CBSA from testing in a timely manner.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA processed 35 testing clients and met the service standard 100% of the time.
International events
Service description: The International Events and Convention Services Program (IECSP) aims to provide facilitation to the Meetings, Conventions & Incentive Travel (MC&IT) industry through its recognition process as well as educational and logistical support throughout the life cycle of an event. For more information, please see Memorandum D8-1-2, International Events and Convention Services Program (IECSP) and International events in Canada.
Service standard 1 – Event queries: The IECSP will aim to respond to clients' queries (mail, email, fax or phone) and online registrations within 2 business days.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The IECSP responded to 126 queries and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Service standard 2 – Event recognition decisions: The IECSP will ensure that clients who submit an event recognition request more than 15 days prior to the start date of their event, will receive a decision 2 business days before that event’s start date.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The IECSP rendered 331 decisions and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Marine container – Efficient examination
Service description: This service aims to have the marine container examination process conducted as efficiently as possible, in order to minimize delays to the importer. For more information, please see the Marine Container Examination Program.
Service standard 1: The CBSA will aim to conduct a marine container examination within 24 hours. The 24-hour period excludes weekends and holidays, fumigant testing and ventilation, and the time required for reloading a container.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA met the service standard 98% of the time.
Service standard 2: When the presence of fumigants is identified within a marine container, the CBSA aims to ensure the container is not delayed for longer than 3 days in the ventilation process. This 3-day period does not include weekends, statutory holidays, or containers which pose an extreme danger to health.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA met the service standard 95% of the time.
Release prior to payment privilege
Service description: Importers and customs brokers post security with the CBSA to obtain release of goods with deferred accounting and payment privileges. The security and billing information is entered into the Customs Commercial System and new clients are issued an account security number. This service also includes changes to security where the client already has an account security number.
For more information, please see the Memorandum D17-1-8, Release Prior to Payment Privilege or e-mail us at contact@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca.
Service standard: This service standard applies to the receipt of security and the privilege associated with the release of imported shipments prior to the payment of duties and taxes. The CBSA will aim to send an acknowledgement to the importer confirming receipt of the security within 21 calendar days.
Performance target: 95%
Performance result: The CBSA sent 1,058 acknowledgements and met the service standard 98.3% of the time.
Trade compliance verification
Service standard 1: Verification priorities – Distribution of priorities to the public
Service description: Provide an up-to-date list of verification priority information to the public twice per year on the CBSA website.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to distribute verification priority information to the public twice per year, no later than January 7th and July 7th of each year.
Performance target: 100%
Performance result: The CBSA distributed verification priority information 2 times and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Service standard 2: Verification notification and request – communicating with company
Service description: Following the sending of a letter notifying the company that a trade compliance verification has been initiated, the CBSA contacts the company to confirm receipt and that the letter was understood.
Service standard: Within 10 to 15 business days after a compliance verification initiation letter has been sent, the CBSA will aim to communicate with a company representative, to ensure that the notification has been received and that the request is being addressed accordingly.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA communicated with 476 companies and met the service standard 98% of the time.
Service standard 3: Verification letter (final) – releasing letter
Service description: At the conclusion of a trade compliance verification and after taking any representations from the company into account, a final letter is sent with the results of the verification including any corrective actions which must be taken.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to release the final verification letter no more than 10 business days following the end of the 30-day compliance verification representation period, on the condition that no additional information is received from the importer that requires further verification.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA released 254 final verification letters and met the service standard 65% of the time.
For more information, please consult Trade Compliance Verifications on our Web site.
Feedback mechanism: Complaints
Service standard 1: Feedback mechanism: Complaints – Initial contact
Service description: Initial contact with the client is made in response to a complaint. The main purpose is to resolve the complaint at this stage. For more information, please see our Compliments, Comments and Complaints page.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to contact the client within 14 calendar days after a written complaint is received.
Performance target: 85%
Performance result: The CBSA contacted 2,679 clients and met the service standard 78% of the time.
Service standard 2: Feedback mechanism: Complaints – Final response
Service description: The CBSA provides a final written response to the complaint.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to provide a final written response to the client within 40 calendar days after a written complaint is received.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA responded to 2,679 clients and met the service standard 91% of the time.
Enforcement, trusted traveller and trade appeals
Service standard 1: Enforcement and trusted traveller appeals: Acknowledgement letter
Service description: Initial contact with a person requesting a review of an enforcement action and/or a trusted traveller membership decision. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to acknowledge receipt of a new request for review of an enforcement action and/or trusted traveller membership decision within 10 calendar days.
Performance target: 85%
Performance result: The CBSA acknowledged 3,085 Enforcement and Trusted Traveller appeals and met the service standard 82% of the time.
Service standard 2: Enforcement and trusted traveller appeals: Decision
Service description: Issue the ministerial decision with respect to an appeal of an enforcement action and/or a trusted traveller membership decision. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: It is intended the ministerial decision will be issued no later than 180 calendar days from the date the request for review is received.
Performance target: 70%
Performance result: The CBSA reviewed 2,190 Enforcement and Trusted Traveller appeals and met the service standard 62% of the time.
Service standard 3: Trade appeals: Acknowledgement letter
Service description: Initial contact with a person requesting review of a trade decision. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: The CBSA will aim to acknowledge receipt of a new request for review of a trade decision within 10 calendar days.
Performance target: 85%
Performance result: The CBSA acknowledged 346 Trade Appeals and met the service standard 68% of the time.
Service standard 4: Trade appeals: Decisions concerning the tariff classification of goods
Service description: Issue the decision of the CBSA President with respect to an appeal of a trade decision concerning the tariff classification of goods. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: It is intended that the decision of the CBSA President will be issued no later than 365–calendar days from the date the request for review is received. Please note that this service standard does not apply to appeals that are or were held in abeyance.
Performance target: 70%
Performance result: The CBSA rendered 83 decisions concerning the Tariff Classification of Goods and met the service standard 80% of the time.
Service standard 5: Trade appeals: Decisions concerning the value for duty of goods
Service sescription: Issue the decision of the CBSA President with respect to an appeal of a trade decision concerning the value for duty of goods. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: It is intended that the decision of the CBSA President will be issued no later than 365 calendar days from the date the request for review is received. Please note that this service standard does not apply to appeals that are or were held in abeyance.
Performance target: 70%
Performance result: The CBSA rendered 1 decision concerning the Value for Duty of Goods and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Service standard 6: Trade appeals: Decisions concerning the origin of goods
Service description: Issue the decision of the CBSA President with respect to an appeal of a trade decision concerning the origin of goods. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: It is intended that the decision of the CBSA President will be issued no later than 180–calendar days from the date the request for review is received. Please note that this service standard will not apply to appeals that are or were held in abeyance.
Performance target: 70%
Performance result: The CBSA rendered 3 decisions concerning the Origin of Goods and met the service standard 33% of the time.
Service standard 7: Trade appeals: Decisions concerning casual refunds
Service description: Issue the decision of the CBSA President with respect to an appeal of a casual refund decision. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: It is intended that the decision of the CBSA President will be issued no later than 180 calendar days from the date the request for review is received. Please note that this service standard does not apply to appeals that are or were held in abeyance.
Performance target: 70%
Performance result: The CBSA rendered 11 decisions concerning Casual Refunds and met the service standard 100% of the time.
Service standard 8: Trade appeals: Decisions concerning the tariff classification of prohibited weapons
Service description: Issue the decision of the CBSA President with respect to an appeal of a trade decision concerning the tariff classification of a prohibited weapon. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: It is intended that the decision of the CBSA President will be issued no later than 90 calendar days from the date the request for review is received. Please note that this service standard does not apply to appeals that are or were held in abeyance.
Performance target: 70%
Performance result: The CBSA rendered 17 decisions concerning the Tariff Classification of Prohibited Weapons and met the service standard 88% of the time.
Service standard 9: Decisions concerning requests for an extension of time to file a trade appeal
Service description: Issue the decision of the CBSA President with respect to a request for an extension of time to file a trade appeal. For more information, please see Appeals/Reviews.
Service standard: It is intended that the decision of the CBSA President will be issued no later than 90 calendar days from the date the request for review is received. Please note that this service standard does not apply to appeals that are or were held in abeyance.
Performance target: 70%
Performance result: The CBSA rendered 6 decisions concerning Requests for an Extension of Time to File a Trade Appeal and met the service standard 83% of the time.
Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act (ATIP): Response to requests
Service description: Clients have a legislated right to request access to government information (Access to Information Act) and their own personal information (Privacy Act). The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) must respond to a request within the legislated timeframe, which is 30 calendar days for both Acts.
The Access to Information Act permits an institution to extend the time limit to respond to a request beyond the 30 calendar days if:
- the request is for a large number of records or requires a search through a large number of records, and the original time limit would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the institution;
- external consultations are necessary and cannot reasonably be expected to be completed within the original time limit; or
- notice to a third party is required to advise him or her that his or her information is the subject of a request.
The Privacy Act permits an institution to extend the time limit to respond to a request for a maximum of 30 calendar days beyond the initial 30 days if:
- the original time limit would unreasonably interfere with the operations of the institution; or
- consultations are necessary and cannot reasonably be expected to be completed within the original time restriction.
The CBSA Access to Information and Privacy webpage provides additional information on the processing of requests made pursuant to the Acts.
Service standard: Response is provided within 30 days following receipt of request; the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the Access to Information Act or section 15 of the Privacy Act. A notice of extension is to be sent within initial 30 days after receipt of request. Requests cannot be extended after the first 30 calendar days have elapsed.
Performance target: 90%
Performance result: The CBSA closed 7,261 requests under the Access to Information Act, and 12,126 under the Privacy Act, and met the service standard of the Agency of providing a response, following receipt of a request, within the legislated timelines prescribed by the laws in 89.8% of the time under the Access to information Act, and 96.6% of the time under the Privacy Act.
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