Administrative Monetary Penalty System


Person failed to submit advance information in the prescribed time or prescribed manner to the Agency.


Occurrence Penalty
Flat rate $0
Penalty basis
Per instance
Retention period
12 months


This contravention is to be issued during the 6-month grace period following the introduction of new pre-arrival and pre-load submission type requirements. Upon expiry of the informed compliance period, penalty C379 will apply.

Non-compliance occurs when the responsible party fails to transmit the prescribed information in the prescribed time or manner to the Agency.

This penalty to be issued by Carrier, Postal and Courier Compliance (CPCC), Commercial Program Directorate at Headquarters (HQ), against the party responsible for providing the required data.

The prescribed information shall be sent or provided:

  • In accordance with the established timelines, and/or
  • Using an approved electronic means as described in the Electronic Commerce Client Requirements Document and set out in the Reporting of Imported Goods Regulations.

Prescribed information must be transmitted in the prescribed timeframe and in the prescribed manner. These two separate obligations must be respected; a contravention against any one of the two obligations will result in the assessment of this penalty. In instances of non-compliance with timeliness and manner requirements two separate C384 penalties may be applied.

Situations where the information is provided upon or after arrival should be considered as if no pre-arrival/pre-load information was provided. In this instance, apply penalty C383.

In instances where an officer finds a responsible party in contravention, the officer must forward this information to HQ. HQ will assess penalties related to this contravention.

Examples of non-compliance under C384:

  • A carrier failed to submit an electronic pre-arrival Bay Plan in the marine mode, within the prescribed timeframes, regardless of whether or not the information was faxed to the appropriate customs office, within the appropriate timeframes.
  • A freight forwarder failed to submit an electronic pre-arrival house bill report and/or house bill close message within the prescribed timeframes, regardless of whether or not the information was faxed to the appropriate customs office, within the appropriate timeframes.
  • A freight forwarder failed to submit an electronic pre-arrival supplementary data report for FROB in the air or marine modes, within the prescribed timeframes, regardless of whether or not the information was faxed to the appropriate customs office, within the appropriate timeframes.

Exceptions/exemptions from transmitting pre-arrival information are listed in D-3.

For failure to notify CBSA of any correction see C386.



Reporting of Imported Goods Regulations, sections 14, 15, 15.3, 17, 17.2, 19, 19.2, 21, 21.2, 24(3), 25(2) and 29


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