BSF947 - Request for a CBSA Import/Export Program Account

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The information you provide in this document is collected under the authority of Sections 17(1), 32(1)(a), 32(2)(a) and 95 of the Customs Act for the purposes of registering for an import-export program account. The information may be disclosed to CBSA import-export programs and the Canada Revenue Agency for the purpose of registering for an import-export program account.

Failure to provide the information requested on this form may result in the rejection of the application. Individuals have the right to access and to make corrections of their personal information under the Privacy Act. The collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal information is described within Info Source (formerly Information about Programs and Information Holdings in 2022) under the Personal Information Bank CBSA PPU 1501 which is detailed within the CBSA Info Source Chapter. Should there be concerns about the CBSA’s handling of personal information individuals have a right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Complete this form if you have a Business Number (BN) and you need an import/export account for commercial purposes. If you do not have a Business Number (BN) please contact Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at Business number registration. (You do not need to register for an import/export account for personal importations). Complete a separate form for each branch or division of your business that requires an import/export account for commercial purposes.

Once completed, send this form to

Business information

Business name (legal name)
Business number
Indicate your ownership type (check only one box):

Physical business
Province, Territory or State
Postal or ZIP Code

Import-export program account identification

Provide a name for this program account (can be your Legal Entity Name, a section or division of your business)

Email Address
Physical Business Location
Province, Territory or State
Postal or ZIP Code

Mailing address (if different from the physical business location)

Care of (c/o)
Province, Territory or State
Postal or ZIP Code
Language of correspondence

Import-export information

Type of Account

If you are applying for an exporter account, you must enter all of the following information:

Enter the type of goods you are exporting or you will export

Enter the estimated annual value of goods you are exporting or you will export:

Enter the effective date of registration for the import-export program account (YYYY-MM-DD)


You must fill in and sign this part in order for the form to be processed. After you register your program account, we may contact you to confirm the information you provided. At that time we may ask you to provide more information. We can serve you better when you have complete and valid information on file for your business.

First name
Last name
Telephone number
I certify that the information given on this form is correct and complete.

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