People of the CBSA: Moaaz Waheed's story - Video transcript

People of the CBSA: Moaaz Waheed's story


Moaaz Waheed on-camera, at the International Mail Processing Centre

Hi, my name’s Moaaz Waheed. I’m a fourth year student in political science at McMaster University, and I am a student border services officer at CBSA in the International Mail Processing Centre at the Greater Toronto Area region.

I was passionate to become a student border services officer with the CBSA because I love working around the area of law. Specifically, I love applying the legislation to ensure that the admissibility requirements of customs, international customs are met, and it is an incredible opportunity because I also get to develop my report writing skills, my communications skills, and my teamwork skills.

Coming from an immigrant family myself, I love Canada, and Canada gave me a lot to offer and to my family. I take great pride in helping to ensure our communities stay safe.

Are you ready?

Canada wordmark appears.

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Exciting career opportunities at the Canada Border Services Agency

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