How to look up your rulings records in the CARM Client Portal


In this video, you will learn: where to access the list of rulings, how to sort the list of rulings, how to search for rulings using filters and the kind of information you can find in rulings that have a decision rendered.


Welcome to this video on how to look up your ruling records in the CARM Client Portal.

In this video, you will learn:

Let us begin!

Rulings are linked to specific accounts, so make sure you are in the right one.

Change accounts if you are not.

You can click “Rulings” from the home page.

Alternatively, click on “Menu,” and navigate to the “Rulings” link found there.

You need to click “Rulings” on the menu to reach the page.

Click “Rulings.”

Scroll down the rulings page to find the “List of rulings.”

Let’s look at sorting by date range.

In the “Date range” field, enter a range of dates.

Or, click on the calendar to narrow down the list of rulings to those which occurred in that date range.

Please note that the dates displayed in the ruling list indicate the initial submission date, and not the date of any status changes or decisions rendered.

Now, let’s look at our second search option: Sorting the columns in the rulings list.

Click on any of the columns in the list (except for “Actions”) to sort it.

For example, all rulings that have a status other than “Submitted” can be found by clicking on the “Status” column.

Clicking on the status column will sort your rulings by their current status.

Here you can see that there is one ruling that has been withdrawn.

You can control how many rulings are listed on a single page with the pop-up menu at the bottom.

Finally, let’s look at our last option: Searching using the “Filter Items” field.

In the “Filter” field, enter a ruling’s type, status, case number, or other attribute to narrow down a list of rulings.

For example, typing “orig” narrows the listings to “Origin” rulings.

Typing “with” narrows the list to withdrawn rulings.

You can also filter rulings by using part of the case number.

Now, let’s open and view a ruling decision record.

In your “List of rulings” on the Rulings page, find a ruling with the status “Decision Rendered.”

These are the only kinds of rulings that you can open and view the decisions for.

Click the “Documents” icon, which looks like a page with a folded corner.

This brings you to the “Ruling documents” page.

This page will provide any decisions and documents submitted by the CBSA for the selected ruling.

You can see the date in the “Date submitted” column.

The date is also part of the document’s name.

The document linked is a PDF.

Click on its link to download it.

When you open the ruling document, you will see its details, including:

Further down, you will see:

You can print this document if you need a hard copy of it.

Here are some key points to remember:

Thank you for watching.

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