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Steel plate 7: Measures in force

Dumping (Brazil, Denmark, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and South Korea)

Measure in force code (MIF code)


Product information

Product definition

"Hot-rolled carbon steel plate and high-strength low-alloy steel plate not further manufactured than hot-rolled, heat-treated or not, in cut lengths, in widths from 24 inches (+/- 610 mm) to 152 inches (+/- 3,860 mm) inclusive, and thicknesses from 0.187 inches (+/- 4.75 mm) up to and including 3.0 inches (76.2 mm) (with all dimensions being plus or minus allowable tolerances contained in the applicable standards), but excluding plate for use in the manufacture of pipe and tube (also known as skelp); plate in coil form, plate having a rolled, raised figure at regular intervals on the surface (also known as floor plate), originating in or exported from Brazil, Denmark, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, and South Korea, except for goods exported from South Korea by Hyundai Steel Company."


The following subject goods were excluded by the Tribunal's order:

  • A553 TY1, the technical description of which is as follows: 9 percent nickel steel plate in widths from 24 inches (+/-610 mm) to 152 inches (+/-3,860 mm) inclusive, and thicknesses from 0.187 inches (+/-4.75 mm) up to and including 3.0 inches (76.2 mm) (with all dimensions being plus or minus allowable tolerances contained in the applicable standards), with a nickel content of no less than 9 percent by weight, for exclusive use in liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tanks. For greater certainty, this exclusion is limited to the product single-stencilled as such. Product which is double-stencilled to meet these specifications and other specifications would not qualify for this exclusion.
  • POSM CS400A, the technical description of which is as follows: high manganese cryogenic carbon steel plate in widths from 24 inches (+/-610 mm) to 152 inches (+/-3,860 mm) inclusive, and thicknesses from 0.187 inches (+/-4.75 mm) up to and including 3.0 inches (76.2 mm) (with all dimensions being plus or minus allowable tolerances contained in the applicable standards), with a manganese content of no less than 22 percent by weight, for exclusive use in liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanks and parts and liquefied ethylene/ethane gas (LEG) tanks and parts. For greater certainty, this exclusion is limited to the product single-stencilled as such. Product which is double-stencilled to meet these specifications and other specifications would not qualify for this exclusion.
  • Hot-rolled carbon steel plate and high-strength low-alloy plate, made to any steel specification or grade, that is greater than 2.75 inches (70 mm) in thickness and 72 inches in width.
  • Hot-rolled carbon steel plate in grade A516-70 normalized (heat-treated) with a thickness of 2.75 inches and of width greater than 72 inches.
  • Hot-rolled carbon steel plate manufactured to:
    ASME SA-516/SA-516M or ASTM A-516/A-516M
    ASME SA-285/SA-285M or ASTM A-285/A-285M
    ASME SA-299/SA-299M or ASTM A-299/A-299M
    ASME SA-537/SA-537M or ASTM A-537/A-537M
    ASME SA-515/SA-515M or ASTM A-515/A-515M
    ASME SA-841/SA-841M or ASTM A-841/A-841M

which is both vacuum-degassed while molten and has a sulfur content of less than 0.005 percent.

  • Hot-rolled carbon steel plate manufactured to:
    ASME SA-516/SA-516M ou ASTM A-516/A-516M
    ASME SA-285/SA-285M ou ASTM A-285/A-285M
    ASME SA-299/SA-299M ou ASTM A-299/A-299M
    ASME SA-537/SA-537M ou ASTM A-537/A-537M
    ASME SA-515/SA-515M ou ASTM A-515/A-515M

that is made by a process that includes vacuum degassing while molten and is normalized (heat-treated).

  • Hot-rolled carbon steel plate manufactured to:
    ASME SA-516/SA-516M ou ASTM A-516/A-516M
    ASME SA-285/SA-285M ou ASTM A-285/A-285M
    ASME SA-299/SA-299M ou ASTM A-299/A-299M
    ASME SA-537/SA-537M ou ASTM A-537/A-537M
    ASME SA-515/SA-515M ou ASTM A-515/A-515M

that is normalized (heat-treated) and has a sulfur content of less than 0.005 percent.

  • Hot-rolled carbon steel plate manufactured to:
    ASME SA-516/SA-516M ou ASTM A-516/A-516M
    ASME SA-285/SA-285M ou ASTM A-285/A-285M
    ASME SA-299/SA-299M ou ASTM A-299/A-299M
    ASME SA-537/SA-537M ou ASTM A-537/A-537M
    ASME SA-515/SA-515M ou ASTM A-515/A-515M

that is normalized (heat-treated) where the plate thickness is greater than 2.67 inches or where the plate dimensions are greater than the dimensions in the following table:

Order Gauge 1.250 1.375 1.500 1.625 1.750
Order Width Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
40 438 512 398 465 365 426 336 393 311 363
42 383 511 348 464 319 425 294 392 272 363
44 366 510 333 463 305 424 281 391 260 362
46 351 509 319 462 292 423 269 391 249 361
48 337 508 306 462 280 423 258 390 239 361
50 323 507 294 461 269 422 248 389 229 360
52 311 506 283 460 259 422 239 389 221 360
54 300 506 272 460 249 421 230 388 216 359
56 289 505 263 459 241 421 222 388 214 359
58 280 505 254 459 232 420 214 387 214 358
60 270 504 245 458 225 420 216 387 215 358
62 262 504 238 458 217 419 214 387 216 358
64 254 503 230 457 215 419 216 386 216 357
66 246 503 223 457 216 418 214 386 216 357
68 239 502 217 456 215 418 216 386 216 357
70 232 942 216 456 215 418 216 385 216 357
72 226 942 216 948 216 948 215 945 215 945
74 219 942 216 948 215 945 215 945 215 945
76 214 942 215 945 215 945 215 945 215 945
78 215 945 215 945 215 945 215 945 215 945
80 214 942 215 945 215 945 215 945 215 945
82 214 942 215 945 215 945 215 945 215 945
84 214 816 215 742 215 681 215 630 215 583
86 215 817 215 744 215 682 215 630 215 584
88 216 808 215 736 215 675 215 630 215 578
90 216 798 215 720 215 660 215 610 215 565
92 216 774 215 704 215 646 215 597 215 553
94 216 758 215 690 215 633 215 584 215 541
96 215 742 215 676 215 620 215 572 215 530
98 215 730 215 662 215 607 215 561 215 520
100 216 713 215 649 215 595 215 550 215 509
102 215 699 215 636 215 584 215 539 215 500
104 216 686 215 630 215 572 215 530 215 492
106 216 673 215 613 215 562 215 519 215 482
108 216 661 215 601 215 551 215 509 215 473
110 216 649 215 590 215 541 215 500 215 465
112 216 638 215 580 215 532 215 493 215 456
114 215 630 215 570 215 523 215 484 215 448
116 215 616 215 560 215 514 215 476 215 440
118 216 605 215 551 215 505 215 457 215 433
120 215 595 215 541 215 498 215 450 215 425
122 216 586 215 533 215 490 215 452 215 418
124 215 561 215 510 215 482 215 445 215 411
126 216 553 215 502 215 462 215 426 215 394
128 215 544 215 496 215 455 215 419 215 388
130 216 536 215 489 215 448 215 413 215 382
132 216 532 215 481 215 441 215 407 215 376
134 215 520 215 474 215 434 215 401 215 371
136 216 512 215 467 215 428 215 395 215 365
138 216 505 215 460 215 422 215 389 215 360
140 216 500 215 454 215 416 215 383 215 355
142 216 488 215 444 215 406 215 375 215 347
144 216 476 215 432 215 396 215 365 215 338
146 216 472 215 429 215 393 215 362 215 335
148 216 472 215 429 215 393 215 362 215 335
150 216 469 215 426 215 390 215 360 215 333
152 216 463 215 421 215 385 215 355 215 329
Order Gauge 1.875 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750
Order Width Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
40 290 339 272 318 241 282 217 253 217 229
42 253 338 238 317 215 281 214 252 217 229
44 242 337 227 317 215 280 216 252 217 228
46 232 337 218 316 215 280 216 251 217 228
48 222 336 214 316 216 280 216 251 217 228
50 214 336 214 315 216 279 216 251 217 227
52 214 335 216 315 216 279 216 250 217 227
54 214 335 216 314 216 278 216 250 217 227
56 214 334 216 314 216 278 216 250 217 226
58 215 334 216 313 216 278 216 249 217 226
60 215 334 216 313 216 277 216 249 217 226
62 215 333 216 313 216 277 216 249 217 226
64 215 333 216 313 216 277 216 249 217 266
66 215 333 216 312 216 277 216 248 217 225
68 215 332 216 312 216 276 216 248 217 225
70 215 332 216 312 216 276 216 248 217 225
72 215 945 216 948 216 872 216 798 216 716
74 215 945 216 948 216 850 216 767 216 698
76 215 945 216 948 216 832 216 747 216 680
78 215 945 216 910 216 809 216 732 216 664
80 215 945 216 888 216 798 216 712 216 648
82 215 795 216 798 216 632 216 632 216 632
84 215 544 216 512 216 450 216 405 216 368
86 215 545 216 512 216 451 216 406 216 368
88 215 539 216 507 216 452 216 406 216 369
90 215 530 216 498 216 441 216 397 216 360
92 215 516 216 487 216 432 216 388 216 352
94 215 505 216 477 216 422 216 380 216 345
96 215 497 216 467 216 414 216 372 216 337
98 215 486 216 457 216 405 216 364 216 330
100 215 477 216 448 216 397 216 357 0 0
102 215 467 216 439 216 389 216 350 0 0
104 215 458 216 430 216 381 216 343 0 0
106 215 449 216 422 216 374 216 336 0 0
108 215 441 216 414 216 367 216 330 0 0
110 215 433 216 406 216 360 216 233 0 0
112 215 425 216 399 216 354 0 0 0 0
114 215 417 216 392 216 347 0 0 0 0
116 215 410 216 385 216 341 0 0 0 0
118 215 403 216 379 216 335 0 0 0 0
120 215 396 216 372 216 330 0 0 0 0
122 215 390 216 356 216 260 0 0 0 0
124 215 383 216 360 0 0 0 0 0 0
126 215 367 216 345 0 0 0 0 0 0
128 215 361 216 339 0 0 0 0 0 0
130 215 356 216 334 0 0 0 0 0 0
132 215 359 216 329 0 0 0 0 0 0
134 215 345 216 324 0 0 0 0 0 0
136 215 340 216 319 0 0 0 0 0 0
138 215 335 216 293 0 0 0 0 0 0
140 215 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
142 215 323 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
144 215 315 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
146 215 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
148 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Additional information

For greater certainty, the subject goods include steel plate which contains alloys greater than required by recognized industry standards provided that the steel does not meet recognized industry standards for an alloy-grade steel plate.

Hot-rolled carbon steel plate is manufactured to meet certain Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and/or American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) specifications, or equivalent specifications. CSA specification G40.21 covers steel for general construction purposes. In the ASTM specifications, for instance, specification A36M/A36 comprises structural plate; specification A572M/A572 comprises high-strength low-alloy steel plate; and specification A516M/A516 comprises pressure vessel quality plate. ASTM standards, such as A6/A6M and A20/A20M, recognize permissible variations for dimensions.

Investigation information

The dates of the proceedings concerning this case are:

Action Date
Initiation of Investigation September 5, 2013
Preliminary Determination January 17, 2014
Final Determination April 17, 2014
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Finding May 20, 2014
Expiry Review Determination October 18, 2019
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order March 13, 2020
Notice of review of final determination August 7, 2020
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order
Notice of conclusion of normal value review: Dongkuk
Notice of conclusion of normal value review: POSCO

Tariff classification numbers

Beginning January 1, 2022, under the revised customs tariff schedule, subject goods are normally classified under the following tariff classification numbers:

  • 7208.51.00.11
  • 7208.51.00.12
  • 7208.51.00.19
  • 7208.51.00.21
  • 7208.51.00.22
  • 7208.51.00.23
  • 7208.51.00.24
  • 7208.51.00.25
  • 7208.51.00.31
  • 7208.51.00.32
  • 7208.51.00.33
  • 7208.51.00.34
  • 7208.51.00.35
  • 7208.51.00.41
  • 7208.51.00.42
  • 7208.51.00.43
  • 7208.51.00.44
  • 7208.51.00.45
  • 7208.51.00.51
  • 7208.51.00.52
  • 7208.51.00.53
  • 7208.51.00.54
  • 7208.51.00.55
  • 7208.52.00.11
  • 7208.52.00.12
  • 7208.52.00.19
  • 7208.52.00.81
  • 7208.52.00.82
  • 7208.52.00.83
  • 7208.52.00.84
  • 7208.52.00.85

Please note that these classification numbers may apply to goods which are not subject to SIMA measures, may change because of amendments to the Departmental Consolidation of the Customs Tariff, or the subject goods may be imported under HS classification numbers that are not listed. Refer to the product definition for the authoritative details regarding the subject goods.

Duty liability (Anti-dumping duties)

Country of origin or export: Brazil, Denmark, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and South Korea

The following table identifies the exporters who currently have been issued normal values. Please refer to the Normal value model ID table for information relating to model IDs, model descriptions and units of measure. Information regarding specific normal values of subject goods should be obtained from the exporter. Please note that model information is posted only for exporters who have successfully enrolled in an exporter ID.

Country Exporter Exporter ID Cooperative since Last revised
Brazil Usinas Siderugias de Minas Gerais S.A. Exporter has not applied
South Korea Dongkuk Steel Mill Co., Ltd. 777233305RM0001
Hyundai Corporation Exporter has not applied
POSCO Co., Ltd. 785573734RM0002

For importations of subject goods originating in/or exported from Brazil, Denmark, Indonesia, Italy, Japan and South Korea for which the exporter has not been issued its own normal values, the anti-dumping duty is equal to 59.7% of the export price.

Imports of subject goods from the following exporters are not subject to anti-dumping duties:

Country Exporter Exporter ID Measure discontinued
South Korea Hyundai Steel Company 787263300RM0001

Disclosure of normal values and amounts of subsidy

The liability for anti-dumping duty results from the proceedings conducted under SIMA and from the finding of the CITT. Information regarding the normal value of the subject goods in question and the amount of anti-dumping duty payable should be obtained from the exporter. Related information may be made available to importers on a need-to-know basis in accordance with the provisions of Memorandum D14-1-2: Disclosure of Normal Values, Export Prices, and Amounts of Subsidy Established Under the Special Import Measures Act.

General information for CBSA assessment and revenue management (CARM)

CARM is the official system of record for the assessment and collection of duties and taxes on imported commercial goods. In most circumstances, the CARM system will automatically calculate the amount of SIMA duties payable based on information provided; however, it is still your responsibility to verify that the amounts assessed are correct and, if necessary, self-declare correct amounts. For additional information relating to CARM and self-assessing SIMA duties, please refer to the Guide for self-assessing Special Import Measures Act duties and applicable D-Memorandums.

Requests for re-determination information for CARM

Requests for re-determination relating to SIMA duties must be filed by the importer or the importer’s agent via the CARM Client Portal (CCP), through the Statements of adjustment and appeals. Failure to submit correctly may result in rejection and/or delayed processing.

Summary decisions made by the CBSA respecting whether an imported good is subject to this measure in force can be found on President-level re-determinations.

Information required on customs documents

The import documentation should include the information listed below. Failure to provide this information may result in the application of penalties to the importer, pursuant to the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS).

The import documentation should clearly indicate the following:

  • Confirmation whether the product is subject to anti-dumping duties
  • Exporter ID
  • Name and address of producer/manufacturer
  • Location of plant/mill of production
  • Place from which direct shipment to Canada began
  • Name and address of vendor (if different from the producer)
  • Country of origin
  • Country of export
  • Canadian customer's name and address
  • Canadian importer's name and address (if different from the customer)
  • Full product description (e.g. carbon steel plate, high strength low alloy plate, pressure vessel quality plate)
    • Model ID
    • Model description
    • Product specification (e.g. ASTM A516, CSA-G40.21)
    • Product grade (e.g. Grade 50, 230G)
    • Product quality (e.g. prime, secondary)
    • Heat treatment (e.g. normalized, none)
    • Dimensions/size (e.g. thickness, width)
    • Whether coil or cut-to-length (specify length)
  • Date of sale, date of shipment
  • Quantity (state unit of measure – e.g. kg, metric tonne)
  • Unit selling price and total selling price to importer in Canada
  • Currency of settlement used (e.g. US$, CDN$, etc.)
  • Terms and conditions of sale (e.g. FOB, CIF, etc.) and,
  • All costs, expenses, and charges incurred by the exporter and vendor in the shipment of the subject goods to Canada (includes inland and ocean freight, insurance, duties, port and handling charges, etc.).

Appeal decisions relating to subjectivity

Summaries of appeal decisions made by the CBSA respecting whether an imported good is subject to this measure in force can be found on the President-level re-determinations page.

Email for subjectivity opinions and duty assessment questions

Important Prior to submitting a subjectivity opinion request, please review the “detailed product information”. Each request must be supported with essential information including, but not limited to, pictures, mill certificates, measurements, origin of the goods, etc. in relation to the specific product in question.

Failure to provide sufficient information will result in a rejection of the request by the CBSA.

CITT reference number(s)

  • NQ-2013-005
  • RR-2019-001
  • NQ-2013-005R

Page details

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