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Whole potatoes: Measures in force

Dumping (United States)

Measure in force code (MIF code)


Product information

Product definition

"Whole potatoes originating in/or exported from the U.S. for use or consumption in British Columbia."


  • seed potatoes;
  • imports during the period from May 1 to July 31 (inclusive) of each calendar year;
  • red potatoes;
  • yellow potatoes;
  • exotic potato varieties; and
  • white and russet potatoes imported in 50-pound cartons in the following count sizes: 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80.
  • whole potatoes certified as organic by a recognized certification agency

Investigation information

This case was originally two separate anti-dumping investigations concerning whole potatoes. The subject goods covered in each investigation, as well as the dates of the proceedings and findings, are as follows:

Whole potatoes with netted or russeted skin, excluding seed potatoes, in non-size A, also commonly known as strippers, originating in/or exported from the state of Washington, United States, for use or consumption in British Columbia.

Action Date
Initiation of Investigation September 30, 1983
Preliminary Determination March 5, 1984
Tribunal's Finding June 4, 1984
Final Determination October 12, 1984

Whole potatoes, originating in/or exported from the United States, for use or consumption in British Columbia, excluding seed potatoes, and excluding whole potatoes with netted or russeted skin in non-size A, originating in/or exported from the state of Washington.

Action Date
Initiation of Investigation October 18, 1985
Preliminary Determination December 20, 1985
Final Determination March 20, 1986
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Finding April 18, 1986

The dates of the investigative proceedings and findings concerning the joint cases are:

Action Date
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order September 14, 1990
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order September 14, 1995
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order September 13, 2000
Re-Investigation June 4, 2004
Expiry Review Determination April 14, 2005
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order September 12, 2005
Re-Investigation September 25, 2009
Expiry Review Determination May 14, 2010
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order September 10, 2010
Re-Investigation September 18, 2014
Expiry Review Determination April 29, 2015
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order September 9, 2015
Expiry Review Determination December 24, 2020
Canadian International Trade Tribunal's Order June 2, 2021

Tariff classification numbers

The subject goods are usually classified under the following tariff classification number:

  • 0701.90.00.20

Please note that the classification number may apply to goods which are not subject to SIMA measures, may change because of amendments to the Departmental Consolidation of the Customs Tariff, or the subject goods may be imported under HS classification numbers that are not listed. Refer to the product definition for the authoritative details regarding the subject goods.

Duty liability (Anti-dumping duties)

Country of origin or export: United-States

Effective on imports of subject goods released by the CBSA on or after 2015-09-09:

No exporters in the United-States received normal values in the most recent re-investigation. CBSA Notice of Conclusion of Re-investigation.

The liability for anti-dumping duty results from the proceedings conducted under SIMA and from the CITT order. Given that no exporters or producers provided a response to the CBSA’s RFI, normal values will therefore be determined by a ministerial specification under SIMA.

For importations of subject goods originating in/or exported from the United States, the normal values for all exporters will be based on the total costs and expenses associated with growing and harvesting potatoes, using various United States university cost studies, plus an amount for profit and an estimated amount for packing, administration and selling the goods, as specified by the Minister.

Effective on imports of subject goods released by the CBSA, information relating to the anti-dumping duty, including normal values, model IDs, model descriptions and units of measure, is listed in the table below.

Exporter Exporter ID Model ID Model description Normal value (USD) Unit of measure
All exporters In progress 5X10 LB FILM/MESH BAGS 5x10 lb film/mesh bags; 5x10 lb Sac en plastique en filet/en mailles $14.63 CWT
10X5 LB FILM/MESH BAGS 10x5 lb film/mesh bags; 10x5 lb Sac en plastique en filet/en mailles $15.84 CWT
50 LB CARTON 50 lb Carton $14.69 CWT
50 LB SACK 50 lb Sack; 50 lb Sac $15.00 CWT
100 LB SACK 100 lb Sack; 100 lb Sac $12.67 CWT
10 LB PAPER/POLY BAGS 10 lb paper/poly bags; 10 lb Sac en plastique/papier $14.63 CWT
15 LB PAPER/POLY BAGS 15 lb paper/poly bags; 15 lb Sac en plastique/papier $14.63 CWT
20 LB PAPER/POLY BAGS 20 lb paper/poly bags; 20 lb Sac en plastique/papier $14.63 CWT

For information on duty assessment, refer to the Guide for self-assessing SIMA duties.

Information required on customs documents

The import documentation should include the information listed below. Failure to provide this information may result in the application of penalties to the importer, pursuant to the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS).

The import documentation should clearly indicate the following:

  • Indication whether the product is subject to anti-dumping duties
  • Exporter ID
  • Name and address of producer/manufacturer
  • Name and address of vendor (if different from the producer)
  • Customer's name and address
  • Canadian importer's name and address (if different from the customer)
  • Full product description including whether the goods fall within the scope of subject goods:

    Whole potatoes originating in/or exported from the United States of America for use or consumption in the province of British Columbia, but excluding:

    • Seed potatoes;
    • Imports during the period from May 1 to July 31, inclusive, of each calendar year;
    • Red potatoes;
    • Yellow potatoes;
    • Exotic potato varieties;
    • White and russet potatoes imported in 50-lb. cartons in the following count sizes: 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80; and
    • Whole potatoes certified as organic by a recognized certification agency.
  • Model ID
  • Model description
  • Date of sale
  • Date of shipment
  • Product identification name or number (for example, 5/10 lb russet, 10/5 lb russet)
  • Quantity (including the unit of measure)
  • Unit selling price, total selling price
  • Currency of settlement used (e.g., US$, CDN$, etc.)
  • Terms and conditions of sale (e.g., FOB, CIF, etc.)
  • All costs, expenses, and charges incurred by the exporter and vendor in the shipment of the subject goods to Canada from the point of direct shipment (including the inland and ocean freight, insurance, etc.).

Appeal decisions relating to subjectivity

Summaries of appeal decisions made by the CBSA respecting whether an imported good is subject to this measure in force can be found on the President-level re-determinations page.

Email for subjectivity opinions and duty assessment questions

Important Prior to submitting a subjectivity opinion request, please review the “detailed product information”. Each request must be supported with essential information including, but not limited to, pictures, mill certificates, measurements, origin of the goods, etc. in relation to the specific product in question.

Failure to provide sufficient information will result in a rejection of the request by the CBSA.

CITT reference number(s)

  • ADT-4-84
  • CIT-16-85
  • RR-89-010
  • RR-94-007
  • RR-99-005
  • RR-2004-006
  • RR-2009-002
  • RR-2014-004
  • RR-2020-002

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