2022 to 2023 Fees Report: Canada Border Services Agency
Catalogue No. PS35-15E-PDF
ISSN 2562-0894
On this page
- Minister's message
- About this report
- Remissions
- Overall totals, by fee-setting mechanism
- Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice
- Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
Minister's message
On behalf of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), I am pleased to present our report on fees for the to fiscal year.
The Service Fees Act provides a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services, while improving transparency and oversight through better reporting to Parliament. Accordingly, this report provides details on fees under the CBSA’s authority, including fee amounts, service standards, performance results, and financial information.
The reporting regime provided under the Service Fees Act continues to ensure open and transparent fee management.
The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc
Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
About this report
This report, which is tabled under section 20 of the Service Fees Act, the Low-Materiality Fees Regulations, and section 4.2.8 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities, contains information about the fees that the CBSA had the authority to set in the to fiscal year.
This report covers fees that are both subject to the Service Fees Act and exempt from the Service Fees Act.
For reporting purposes, fees are categorized by fee-setting mechanism. There are three mechanisms:
- Act, regulation or fees notice: The authority to set these fees is delegated to a department, minister or Governor in Council pursuant to an act of Parliament.
- Contract: Ministers have the authority to enter into contracts, which are usually negotiated between the minister and an individual or organization, and which cover fees and other terms and conditions. In some cases, that authority may also be provided by an act of Parliament.
- Market rate or auction: The authority to set these fees is pursuant to an act of Parliament or a regulation, and the minister, department or Governor in Council has no control over the fee amount.
For fees set by act, regulation or fees notice, this report provides totals for fee groupings, as well as detailed information for each fee. Note that the CBSA does not have any fees set by contract, market rate or auction.
Although fees charged by the CBSA under the Access to Information Act are subject to the Service Fees Act, they are not included in this report. Information on the CBSA's access to information fees for to is provided in our annual report to Parliament on the administration of the Access to Information Act.
In to , the CBSA was subject to the requirements to issue remissions under section 7 of the Service Fees Act and subsection 4.2.4 of the Treasury Board Directive on Charging and Special Financial Authorities to remit a fee, in whole or in part, to a fee payer when a service standard was deemed not met. Consult the Remission Policy Pursuant to the Service Fees Act.
The following sections of this report provide detailed amounts on the CBSA’s remissions for to .
Overall totals, by fee-setting mechanism
This section presents the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that the CBSA had the authority to set in to , by fee-setting mechanism.
Fee-setting mechanism | Revenue ($)Table note 1 | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
Fees set by act, regulation or fees notice | 17,902,162.19 | 90,098,702.48 | 0 |
Table notes
Totals, by fee grouping, for fees set by act, regulation or fees notice
This section presents, for each fee grouping, the total revenue, cost and remissions for all fees that the CBSA had the authority to set in to by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
A fee grouping is a set of fees relating to a single business line, directorate or program that a department had the authority to set for those activities.
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
391,400.00 | 416,743.00 | 0 |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
16,495,390.46 | 33,202,534.33 | These fees were not subject to remissions. |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
469,272.68 | 56,479,425.15 | These fees were not subject to remissions. |
Revenue ($) | Cost ($) | Remissions ($) |
546,099.05 | Costs associated with these fees are part of general expenditures in providing border-related services and are therefore not identifiable for reporting purposes. | These fees were not subject to remissions. |
Details on each fee set by act, regulation or fees notice
This section provides detailed information on each fee that the CBSA had the authority to set in to by any of the following:
- act
- regulation
- fees notice
Trade Program Fees
Fee grouping | Trade Program Fees |
Fee | Customs broker licensing fee |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 1986 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2006 |
Service standard |
Performance result |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Material (> $151) |
to fee amount ($) | 600.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 334,200.00 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($)Table note 2 | 0 |
Fee adjustment date in to | |
to fee amount ($) | 719.66 |
Table notes
Fee grouping | Trade Program Fees |
Fee | Customs broker licensing fee |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 1986 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2006 |
Service standard | Examination results are mailed to candidates within four weeks from the date of examination. |
Performance result | The CBSA mailed 286 results and met the service standard 100% of the time. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Material (> $151) |
to fee amount ($) | 200.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 57,200.00 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | 0 |
Fee adjustment date in to | |
to fee amount ($) | 239.89 |
Fee grouping | Trade Program Fees |
Fee | Customs broker licensing feeTable note 3 |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 1986 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2006 |
Service standard | Applications are processed within 60 business days from the date of receipt of a complete application. |
Performance result | The CBSA processed 47 applications and met the service standard 97.9% of the time. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Material (> $151) |
to fee amount ($) | 500.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 0 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | 0 |
Fee adjustment date in to | |
to fee amount ($)Table note 4 | 599.71 |
Table notes
Trusted Traveller Program fees
Fee grouping | Trusted Traveller Program Fees |
Fee | CANPASS Program Application Fee: CANPASS AirTable note 5 |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2003 |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Performance result | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Low-materiality (< $51) |
to fee amount ($) | 50.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 0 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 50.00 |
Table notes
Fee grouping | Trusted Traveller Program Fees |
Fee | CANPASS Program Application Fee: CANPASS Private BoatTable note 6 |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2003 |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Performance result | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Low-materiality (< $51) |
to fee amount ($) | 40.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 0 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 40.00 |
Table notes
Fee grouping | Trusted Traveller Program Fees |
Fee | CANPASS Program Application Fee: CANPASS Corporate Aircraft |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2003 |
Service standard | Within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application, applicants are informed of whether they are approved. |
Performance result | The CBSA informed 2,799 applicants and met the service standard 75.8% of the time. This result includes both CANPASS Corporate Aircraft and CANPASS Private Aircraft. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Low-materiality (< $51) |
to fee amount ($) | 40.00 |
to total fee revenue ($)Table note 7 | 10,449.19 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 40.00 |
Table notes
Fee grouping | Trusted Traveller Program Fees |
Fee | CANPASS Program Application Fee: CANPASS Private Aircraft |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2003 |
Service standard | Within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application, applicants are informed of whether they are approved. |
Performance result | The CBSA informed 2,799 applicants and met the service standard 75.8% of the time. This result includes both CANPASS Corporate Aircraft and CANPASS Private Aircraft. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Low-materiality (< $51) |
to fee amount ($) | 40.00 |
to total fee revenue ($)Table note 8 | 10,449.19 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 40.00 |
Table notes
Fee grouping | Trusted Traveller Program Fees |
Fee | NEXUS Program Application Fee |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2003 |
Service standard | Within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application, applicants are informed of whether they are approved. |
Performance result | The CBSA informed 416,646 applicants and met the service standard 36.72% of the time. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Not subject to the Service Fees ActTable note 9 |
to fee amount ($) | 50.00 (USD) |
to total fee revenue ($) | 15,775,789.19 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 50.00 (USD) |
Table notes
Fee grouping | Trusted Traveller Program Fees |
Fee | Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Driver Program Application Fee |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2003 |
Service standard | Within 30 business days of receipt of a complete application, applicants are informed of whether they are approved. |
Performance result | The CBSA informed 21,554 applicants and met the service standard 100% of the time. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Not subject to the Service Fees ActTable note 10 |
to fee amount ($) | 50.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 432,227.05 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 50.00 |
Table notes
Fee grouping | Trusted Traveller Program Fees |
Fee | Pilot Project for Travellers in Remote Areas: Quebec (PPTRA-Q) Membership FeeTable note 11 |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2003 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2003 |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Performance result | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Low-materiality (< $51) |
to fee amount ($) | 50.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 117,535.03 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 50.00 |
Table notes
Fee grouping | Trusted Traveller Program Fees |
Fee | Remote Area Border Crossing (RABC) Permit Application Fee |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2002 |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Performance result | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Low-materiality (< $51) |
to fee amount ($) | 30.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 159,390.00 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 30.00 |
Cost recovery fees
Fee grouping | Cost recovery fees |
Fee | Recovery of Removal Costs |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2002 |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Performance result | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Material (> $151) |
to fee amount ($) |
to total fee revenue ($) | 435,035.20 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | |
to fee amount ($) |
Fee grouping | After-hours Immigration Examination Fee |
Fee | Recovery of Removal Costs |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 2002 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 2002 |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Performance result | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Material (formula) |
to fee amount ($) |
to total fee revenue ($) | 624.68 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | |
to fee amount ($) |
Fee grouping | After-hours Immigration Examination Fee |
Fee | Recovery of Removal Costs |
Fee-setting authority |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | 1986 |
Last year fee setting authority was amended | 1986 |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Performance result | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act. |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations | Material (formula) |
to fee amount ($) |
to total fee revenue ($) | 6,071.43 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | |
to fee amount ($) |
Fee grouping | Cost recovery fees |
Fee | Customs special services charges |
Fee-setting authority | Customs Act, section 167(1)(b); Special Services (Customs) Regulations, sections 4 and 5 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | |
Service standard |
Performance result |
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations |
to fee amount ($) |
to total fee revenue ($) | 27,541.37 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | |
to fee amount ($) |
Miscellaneous fees
Fee grouping | Miscellaneous fees |
Fee | Fees charged for goods imported as mail |
Fee-setting authority | Customs Act, section 147.1(14)(c); Fees in Respect of Mail Regulations, section 3 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act |
Performance result | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act |
Application of Low-Materiality Fees Regulations | Low-materiality (< $51) |
to fee amount ($) | 5.00 |
to total fee revenue ($) | 542,604.00 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | Not applicable |
to fee amount ($) | 5.00 |
Fee grouping | Miscellaneous fees |
Fee | Fees charged for making or certifying copies of records |
Fee-setting authority | Customs Act, section 107(15); Fees for Records Regulations, sections 4 and 5 |
Year fee-setting authority was introduced | |
Last year fee-setting authority was amended | |
Service standard | Not subject to service standard requirement of the Service Fees Act |
Performance result | Not |
Application of Low Materiality Fees Regulations |
The fee amount consists of five parts:
to fee amount ($) |
The fee amount consists of five parts:
to total fee revenue ($) | 3,495.05 |
to total remissions issued for the fee ($) | Not subject to remissions |
Fee adjustment date in to | |
to fee amount ($) |
The fee amount consists of five parts:
Page details
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