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Container chassis: Measures in force

Dumping and subsidy (China)

Measure in force code (MIF code)


Product information

Product definition

Container chassis and container chassis frames, whether finished or unfinished, assembled or unassembled, regardless of the number of axles, for the carriage of containers, or other payloads (including self-supporting payloads) for road, marine roll-on/roll-off and/or rail transport, and certain subassemblies of container chassis originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China.


  1. dry van trailers, meaning trailers with a wholly enclosed cargo space comprised of fixed sides, nose, floor and roof, with articulated panels (doors) across the rear and occasionally at selected places on the sides, with the cargo space being permanently incorporated in the trailer itself
  2. refrigerated van trailers, meaning trailers with a wholly enclosed cargo space comprised of fixed sides, nose, floor and roof, with articulated panels (doors) across the rear and occasionally at selected places on the sides, with the cargo space being permanently incorporated in the trailer and being insulated, possessing specific thermal properties intended for use with self‐contained refrigeration systems and
  3. flatbed or platform trailers, meaning trailers that consist of load‐carrying main frames and a solid, flat or stepped loading deck or floor permanently incorporated with and supported by frame rails and cross members

For greater certainty, the subject goods include the following complete or substantially complete major subassemblies, when imported, purchased or supplied with, or for assembly with, subject container chassis frames:

  1. running gear assemblies for connection to the container chassis frame, whether fixed in nature or capable of sliding fore and aft or lifting up and lowering down, which may include suspension(s), wheel end components, slack adjusters, axles, brake chambers, locking pins, tires and wheels
  2. landing gear assemblies, for connection to the container chassis frame, capable of supporting the container chassis when it is not engaged to a tractor and
  3. connection assemblies that connect to the container chassis frame or a section of the container chassis frame, such as B-trains and A-trains, capable of connecting a container chassis to a converter dolly or another container chassis

Investigations information

The dates of the proceedings concerning this case are:

Action Date
Initiation of investigations
Preliminary determinations
Final determination
Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s finding
Normal value review: CIMC

Tariff classification numbers

The subject goods are usually classified under the tariff classification number:

  • 8716.39.30.90

To a lesser extent, the subject goods may be classified under the following tariff classification numbers:

  • 8706.00.90.90
  • 8716.39.90.90
  • 8716.40.00.00
  • 8716.80.20.90
  • 8716.90.30.00
  • 8716.90.99.10
  • 8716.90.99.90

Please note that these tariff classification numbers may apply to goods which are not subject to the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) measures, may change because of amendments to the Departmental Consolidation of the Customs Tariff, or the subject goods may be imported under tariff classification numbers that are not listed. Refer to the product definition for the authoritative details regarding the subject goods.

Refer to the product definition for the authoritative details regarding the subject goods. For more information on the tariff classification numbers, please refer to the Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) Harmonized commodity description and coding system.

Duty liability (Anti-dumping duties)

Country of origin or export: China

For importations of subject goods originating in or exported from China, the anti‑dumping duty is equal to 126.4% of the export price.

Duty liability (Countervailing duties)

Country of origin or export: China

For importations of subject goods originating in or exported from China, the countervailing duty is equal to 12,370 Chinese Yuan per unit.

Disclosure of normal values and amounts of subsidy

The liability for anti-dumping duty results from the proceeding conducted under SIMA. Information regarding the normal value of the subject goods in question and the amount of anti-dumping duty payable should be obtained from the exporter. Related information may be made available to importers on a need-to-know basis in accordance with the provisions of Memorandum D14-1-2, Disclosure of Normal Values, Export Prices, and Amounts of Subsidy Established Under the Special Import Measures Act.

For information on duty assessment, refer to the Guide for self-assessing SIMA duties.

Information required on customs documents

The import documentation should include the information listed below. Failure to provide this information may result in the application of penalties to the importer, pursuant to the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS).

The import documentation should clearly indicate the following:

  • Confirmation whether the product is subject to provisional duties
  • Exporter ID
  • Name and address of producer/manufacturer
  • Name and location of plant/mill of production
  • Place from which direct shipment to Canada began
  • Name and address of vendor (if different from the producer)
  • Country of origin
  • Country of export
  • Canadian customer’s name and address
  • Canadian importer’s name and address (if different from the customer)
  • Full product description of the goods, including:
    • Model ID
    • Model description
    • Product Type
    • Level of Completion
    • Container chassis structure design
    • Extendable
    • Multiple or single container
    • Compatible container lengths
    • Slider
    • Number of axles
    • Suspension type
    • Spread between center line of axles
    • Tire size and number of tires
    • Finish

Other relevant characteristics:

  • Date of sale, date of shipment
  • Quantity (state unit of measure, e.g. kilograms, pounds, metric tonnes, etc.)
  • Unit selling price and total selling price to importer in Canada
  • Currency of settlement used (e.g. US$, CDN$, etc.)
  • Terms and conditions of sale (e.g. FOB, CIF, etc.)
  • All costs, expenses, and charges incurred by the exporter and vendor in the shipment of the subject goods to Canada (includes inland and ocean freight, insurance, duties, port and handling charges, etc.) and
  • The amount of any export taxes applicable to the goods

Appeal decisions relating to subjectivity

Summaries of appeal decisions made by the CBSA respecting whether an imported good is subject to this measure in force can be found on the President-level re-determinations page.

Email for subjectivity opinions and duty assessment questions

Important Prior to submitting a subjectivity opinion request, please review the “detailed product information”. Each request must be supported with essential information including, but not limited to, pictures, mill certificates, measurements, origin of the goods, etc. in relation to the specific product in question.

Failure to provide sufficient information will result in a rejection of the request by the CBSA.

CITT reference number(s)

  • PI-2021-002
  • NQ-2021-005

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