Customs Tariff 2024: Administrative guidelines
1. The following table lists symbols and abbreviations with their corresponding meaning which may be found throughout the Customs Tariff.
Abbreviation / symbol | Meaning |
$ | Canadian dollars |
$/doz | Canadian dollars per dozen |
$/hl | Canadian dollars per hectolitre |
$/kg | Canadian dollars per kilogram |
$/litre | Canadian dollars per litre |
$/m² | Canadian dollars per square metre |
$/tonne | Canadian dollars per tonne |
% | percent |
¢ | Canadian cents |
¢/doz | Canadian cents per dozen |
¢/kg | Canadian cents per kilogram |
¢/litre | Canadian cents per litre |
° | degrees |
°A.P.I. | degrees American Petroleum Institute |
°C | degrees Celsius |
µ Ci/g | microcuries per gram |
A | amperes |
ABS | acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene |
AC | alternating currrent |
Ag | silver |
AGV | automated guided vehicle |
AISI | American Iron and Steel Institute |
Al | aluminum |
Al2O3 | aluminum oxide, alumnia, corundum |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
API or A.P.I. | American Petroleum Institute |
As | arsenic |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
AUT | Australia Tariff |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
AWWA | American Water Works Association |
B2O3 | boron oxide |
Be | beryllium |
Bi | bismuth |
BiMOS | combination of bipolar and metal oxide semiconductor technologies |
BP | British Pharmacopoeia |
Bq | becquerels |
Bq/g | becquerels per gram |
BR | butadiene rubber |
BTU | British thermal unit |
Ca | calcium |
CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 36-M89 | Government of Canada, Canadian General Standards Board - publication 4.2 No.36-M89 Textile Test Methods - Air Premeability |
CaO | calcium oxide |
cc | cubic centimetres |
CCCT | Commonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff |
CCMC | Canadian Construction Materials Centre |
Cd | cadmium |
CEUT | Canada-European Union Tariff |
CF | Chlorofluorocarbons |
cg | centigrams |
CIAT | Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff |
CIFTA | Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement |
CIIR or BIIR | halo-isobutene-isoprene rubber |
cm | centimetres |
cm² | square centimetres |
cm³ | cubic centimetres |
CMT | Corrugated Medium Test |
cN | centinewtons |
cN/tex | centinewtons per tex |
Co | cobalt |
COLT | Colombia Tariff |
CPTPT | Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership |
CR | chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber |
Cr | chromium |
Cr2O3 | chromium (III) oxide |
CRT | Costa Rica Tariff |
CT | Chile Tariff |
Cu | copper |
DC | direct current |
DIMMs | electronic dual in-line memory modules |
dl/g | decilitres per gram |
dm³ | cubic decimetres |
doz | dozen |
DRAM | dynamic read-write random access memory |
dyne/cm | dyne per centimetre |
EEPROM | electrically erasable programmable read only memory |
EPDM | ethylene-propylene-non-conjugated diene rubber |
etc. | et cetera |
Fe | iron |
Fe2O3 | hematite |
FLASH E² PROM | flash memories |
g | grams |
g.v.w. | gross vehicle weight |
g/cm³ | grams per cubic centimetre |
g/m² | grams per square metre |
GPT | General Preferential Tariff |
H3BO3 | boric acid |
HBFC | hydrobromofluorocarbons |
HCFC | hydrochlorofluorocarbons |
HCH | hexachlorocyclohexane |
Hem-Fir | Canadian timber species (western hemlock and amabilis fir) manufactured and marketed together |
HFC | hydrofluorocarbons |
HNT | Honduras Tariff |
Hz | hertz |
IF | intermediate frequency |
IIR | isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber |
INN | International Non-proprietary Name |
IPC-4101 | Association Connecting Electronics Industries (originally Institute for Printed Circuits) - Specification for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards |
IR | infra-red |
IR | isoprene rubber |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
IT | Iceland Tariff |
JT | Jordan Tariff |
K2O | potassium oxide |
kcal | kilocalories |
kcal/kg | kilocalories per kilogram |
kg | kilograms |
kg/m | kilograms per metre |
kJ | kilojoules |
kN | kilonewtons |
kN/m | kilonewtons per metre |
kPa | kilopascals |
kPa.m²/g | Mullen burst index |
KRT | Korea Tariff |
kV | kilovolts |
kVA | kilovolts-amperes |
kvar | kilovars or kilovolts-amperes-reactive |
kW | kilowatts |
L. | Linnaeus (latin) |
l/m | litre per metre |
LCD | liquid crystal display |
LDCT | Least Developed Country Tariff |
LED | light emitting diode |
m | metres |
m- | meta- |
m² | square metres |
m³ | cubic metres |
m³/s | cubic metres per second |
MDF | medium density fibreboard |
MDI | diphenylmethane-4, 4'-diisocyanate |
Meas. | measure |
MFN | Most-Favoure-Nation Tariff |
mg | milligrams |
Mg | magnesium |
mg/cm² | milligrams per square centimetre |
MgO | magnesium oxide |
MHz | megahertz |
MIDI | musical instrument digital interface |
min | minute |
ml | millilitres |
mm | millimetres |
mm²/sec. | square millimetres per second |
mN | millinewtons |
Mn | manganese |
mono | one or single |
MOS | metal oxide semiconductor |
MPa | megapascals |
MSS | Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry |
MXT | Mexico Tariff |
MUST | Mexico-United States Tariff |
MVA | megavolt amperes |
MW | megawatt |
n- | normal- |
N.m | newton metre (torque) |
N/m | newtons per metre (surface tension) |
Na2O | sodium monoxide |
NaOH | sodium hydroxide |
NB | nota bene |
NBR | acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber |
NCO | isocyanate - functional group of atoms -N=C=O (1 nitrogen, 1 carbon, 1 oxygen) |
NF | National Formulary |
Ni | nickel |
NIOSH | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health |
No. or Nos. | number |
NT | Norway Tariff |
NZT | New Zealand Tariff |
O | oxygen |
o- | ortho- |
OSB | oriented strand board |
p- | para- |
P2O5 | diphosphorus pentoxide |
PAT | Panama Tariff |
Pb | lead |
PBB | polybrominated biphenyls |
PBD | phenylbiphenyloxadiazole (2-phenyl-5(4-biphenylyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole |
PbO | lead monoxide, lead oxide |
PCB | polychlorinated biphenyls |
PCT | polychlorinated terphenyls |
PFC | perfluorocarbons |
pH | potential of hydrogen |
POPOP | 1,4-bis-2-(5-phenyloxazolyl)-benzene |
PPO | 2,5-diphenyloxazole |
PT | Peru Tariff |
PTO | power take-off |
PVC | poly(vinyl chloride) |
RAM | random access memory |
RC | Rockwell scale "C" |
RF | radio frenquency |
rH | redoxpotential |
ROM | read-only memory |
S | sulphur |
S.P.F. | spruce, pine, fir |
SAE J1392 980XF | Society of Automotive Engineers standard |
SAN | styrene-acrylonitrile |
Sb | antimony |
SBR | styrene-butadiene rubber |
sec | seconds |
Si | silicon |
SIMMs | electronic single in-line memory modules |
SiO2 | silica, silicon oxide, silicon dioxide |
SLT | Switzerland Liechtenstein Tariff |
Sn | tin |
spp. | species plural (latin) |
SRAM | static read-write random access |
SS | statistical suffix |
T | tesla |
Te | tellurium |
TIMS | Train Information Monitoring System |
TSNR | technically specified natural rubber |
UAT | Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement |
USP | United States Pharmacopeia |
UST | United States Tariff |
UV | ultra-violet |
V | volts |
VA | volt-amperes |
var. | varietas (latin) = variety |
vol | volume |
W | watts |
W.O.G. | water, oil, gas |
XSBR | carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber |
Zn | zinc |
Zr | zirconium |
2. Throughout the Schedule, the following codes have been used to identify units of measure. Where the symbol "-" appears, neither a unit of measure code nor a quantity are required.
Unit of measure code | Unit of measure |
CTM | Mass in carats |
DZN | Number of dozen |
GRM | Mass in grams |
GRO | Gross (12 dozen) |
HLT | Liquid volume in hectolitres |
KGM | Mass in kilograms |
KNS | Mass in kilograms of named substance |
KSD | Mass in kilograms air dry |
LPA | Liquid volume in litres of pure alcohol |
LTR | Liquid volume in litres |
MBQ | Radioactivity in megabecquerels |
MIL | Thousands |
MTK | Area in square metres |
MTQ | Volume in cubic metres |
MTR | Metres |
MWH | Electrical energy in megawatt-hours |
NAP | Number of packages |
NMB | Number |
PAR | Number of pairs |
SET | Number of sets |
TMQ | Volume in thousands of cubic metres |
TNE | Mass in metric tonnes |
TSD | Mass in metric tonnes air dry |
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